The Bitcoin President
The Bitcoin PresidentWhat Trump's Win Means For Bitcoin Welcome to The Financial Performer, your key to understanding the future of money Imagine having bought Amazon stock in 1999 or Google in 2004. Now imagine you had the chance to do it again, but with something even bigger - an totally new form of money- one that became a major focus of the next US presidency. Enter Bitcoin. The number one cryptocurrency soared past $90,000 United States paper dollars this week, on the heels of an historic Trump victory. For the first time in its history, America has elected an openly pro-bitcoin president and that’s YUGE for Bitcoin. While $90,000 may seem high, Bitcoin is still early in its journey having about the same amount of users as the internet did in 1999... Imagine buying a share of the INTERNET in 1999? Bitcoin has come a LONG way from the backwaters of 2010 internet forums. At the time it was a largely unknown experiment among computer nerds, its value: about a penny. Today? It's a presidential policy and one of the largest assets in the world! Bitcoin is the 8th largest asset in the world In just 15 years- with no CEO, marketing team or board of directors- Bitcoin is competing with the world’s biggest tech companies! It's in the same league as gold and silver, both considered traditional forms of money for thousands of years. It's exploded from total obscurity to a top 10 asset in the world and Bitcoin is not slowing down anytime soon. So how did we get here? As critics scoffed and ‘news’ papers declared the ‘death of bitcoin’ at least a dozen times, the cryptocurrency just kept growing- and going up in value. ‘Magic internet money’ as those in the space refer to it, has a way of changing minds- even Trump went from Bitcoin skeptic to champion... From Scam to Strategic Reserve: Trump’s Bitcoin Journey Feel like you don't quite get it yet? That’s ok! Trump didn’t always get it either.
So Rory! You say. What’s it all mean? It mean’s Bitcoin is coming for Washington. It’s no longer a shady internet coin for criminals and terrorists like the lame-stream media told you. (Are you really surprised?) More importantly, it means YUGE demand is coming for Bitcoin and the price has only one way to go... Bottom Line:
Thanks for subscribing to The Financial Performer. The revolution has begun and Bitcoin is gearing up for the next act. Let us help you cut through the noise and really understand what's happening and why it matters to your future. |